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Writer's pictureKasha Moses

Ways to Show Others You Care

Kasha Thompson @kayslay_allday

Photo: Photographer: @hovlliver

Small acts of kindness can go a long way. Have you ever had someone bring you a cup of coffee or text you out of the blue with a sweet message? Knowing that someone is thinking about you is a confidence booster and makes us feel connected. So, what can you do to show you care? Below are a few tips of simple and inexpensive things you can do to show the special people in your life just how much they mean to you.

Cook a meal. There is a saying that cooking is love made visible. Taking the time to prepare a meal is one way to elicit warm and fuzzy feeling from the meal recipient. You can dish up a meal for your grandmother and deliver it to her home. Make dinner for your neighbor who always works late and place it at their doorstep a nice surprise when they return home.

Slip a note in their lunch. There is nothing like opening your lunch bag and finding a simple note that reads I Love You. The note can be a love note or a note to motivate or affirm. A quick Post-it note can make that turkey sandwich and applesauce taste even better.

Offering to help with the housework. Truth be told you should already be doing this. Yes, I’m judging you. Instead of walking past the pile of dirty dishes in the sink, wash them, run the vacuum, or take out the garbage. This is truly the gift that keeps on giving because you folded the laundry your partner now has time to do something else. Hopefully it’s something they enjoy and not another load of laundry.

Ask the simple question: Are you okay? Ask the question and really listen. Giving the person the opportunity to talk uninterrupted. For most 2020 had been a dumpster fire so don’t be surprised if the responses you get vary. Listening is often the only thing needed to help someone.

Be kind to one another and don’t miss a chance to show you care. I believe that what we put out comes back to us. So, send out positive vibes and you’ll eventually get some back in return.


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