Written by Amber Hawkins @ambbamm_

Kandace Sanders AKA the JuJu Guru Founder of ArtistToArtist
IG: @the.juju.guru/ @artiststoartists
Hailing from Harlem, NY the talented beauty has always possessed an ambitious nature and love for meeting and connecting with other people and helping people. Her charismatic and outgoing personality has helped mold her into the entrepreneur she is today.
Two years ago, she developed ArtistsToArtist, which serves as a platform for creatives from all over in the music industry to connect, collaborate and attain needed resources/needed services. She started this platform because she is an artist and a writer herself, so she knows firsthand how helpful these types of platforms are to artists in need of resources, studio time, etc.
ArtistToArtist helps upcoming artist reach the next level of their career, Kandace has been able to witness her business blossom immensely. She has never been one to limit herself, Ms. Kandace is always on grind mode seeking multiple avenues of income. Her latest venture combines her love of crafts and shopping, a custom gift basket business perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. This new venture has also been very successful as it was recently opened. When asked what she thinks the future may hold for her, she is looking forward to the prospect of growing her businesses so she can start her next one.
