Written by: Khushi Arora @lonevixen_ka

Hi everybody, I hope you and your loved ones are safe, sound and curled up with your favorite book. Half of the year has ended, and I am proud of you for making it this far. As for how far I’ve made, I owe a whole lot of that to books. And so starting July every week, I would like to share with you lovely souls all the books that have made me who I am today. Thank you for reading.
“Everyone knows they’re going to die but nobody believes it. If we did we would do things differently.” - Mitch Albom
I was eighteen when I experienced the natural force of death take away someone I loved. A few weeks later, I picked up Mitch Albom’s,Tuesdays With Morrie and before I’d even read half of it, I knew my life was going to change forever. And I knew that I was going to make it change for the better.
Workaholic Mitch meets his long-lost professor Morrie, who’s in a dying state. Every Tuesday they sit and talk about life and all the mundane, yet beautiful things that constitute it; but most importantly, what it means to live in the present.
We all lose our ways, every once in a while, and most of us are able to recognize why. What we aren’t able to do is find a solution. This is what makes Tuesdays With Morrie one of the best non-fiction books ever. It helps you find solutions to problems you may never have known existed in your life. It helps you realize how love and forgiveness are the things that truly matter in life, and how you should chase your dreams, and live this beautiful life of yours without running behind a regular paycheck every single time.