Written By: Kailyn McBride @kxailyn

Photo from Instagram @floydmayweather
Former professional boxer Floyd Mayweather took to Instagram a video expressing his feelings on the recent deaths of his uncle, Roger Mayweather, and former girlfriend, Josie Harris.
As Floyd released that his uncle was also his long-time trainer, he expressed that their relationship was more than just a loss, he lost a father figure.
When addressing his former girlfriend, Jose Harris, he shared that she "was a great woman, a great person." Josie Harris is also the mother of Floyd's 3 children.
Floyd later revealed to Instagram that he has been dealing with a lot and is hurt to see what the world is going through.
Floyd shared that he wants the world to stick together and keep believing.
At the end of the video, Floyd release that he future plans on donating money to feed and help those in need during the difficult crisis that is governing our nation.