Your Voice Hip Hop Sept/Oct issue is ONLINE NOW with Hip Hop Artist Rae Milli (@therealraemilli) on the cover. You can view the magazine by pressing the link in our bio or going to www.yvhiphop.com.
Cover graphics: @givetheball2johnny
Cover Photo Credit: @shotsby.dre
Hair Sylist: Issa Don @issa__foreign__
MUA: @therealraemilli
Featuring interviews with Hip Hop Artist F’iona Mesha’ (@fionamesha), Hip Hop Publicist Lynn Hobson (@iamlynnhobson), Rapper & Songwriter Sean Elliot (@seanxelliot) and Producer, Actor & Director Dwayne Boyd (@thedwayneboyd).
Special thanks all the photographers and to the #YVFamily: CEO of YV Media @_wali_b, VP of YV Media @asiadiamond, YVHH Promotional Director @leonardcroftmgmt, Brand Consultant/Life coach @tashimajonesmedia, and the rest of the YV Team.
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