Photo Credit: Nicolette Electra
Meet the woman behind the popular new encouraging and motivational book “You Are The Prize: A Journey to Finding Faith, Confronting Fear, and Recognizing Worth”.
Christina Ford is a motivational speaker, actress, woman of God, and now an author! She is creating a movement that teaches women that they are, indeed, “the prize” and to truly know their worth in such a confusing and deceiving world; from dating, the work environment, and life itself.
With her new highly anticipated book, Christina wants to motivate young women to achieve greatness through affirmations, prayers, and lessons from life experiences.
“Navigating life can be challenging, especially for young single women. Everyone needs someone or something to lift their spirit so they can achieve their goals in life,” Christina mentions. Throughout the book, Christina narrates her ordeals while trying to understand who she is as she progresses through life. This masterpiece also provides prayers and affirmations that readers can use on any issues they’re dealing with in their life. This book is a one-stop destination and all the motivation and advice that a woman needs to make it through the dating world and manage other issues women face on a daily basis based on their gender. “Young single women are facing particular challenges in their lives. Some deal with complicated relationship issues, while others have trouble putting their love and romance life in order. In addition, the business environment is not friendly for many women, and single women have to work twice as hard to achieve the same goal as a man. All of these issues compound in a woman’s life and make it harder for her to survive,” Christina stated.
Being the woman of God that she is, Christina herself takes pride in using affirmations and scriptures from the Bible daily to continue to navigate through life.
The 66-page book is a reminder to never settle for less and that Christ is there to save his children no matter the challenges or issues they are facing. The book itself is loaded with scriptures, affirmations, life experiences, and useful lessons that readers will find very helpful. Through this book and movement, Christina is helping young women find a path to faith, deliverance, and happiness. To purchase You Are The Prize, please visit Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
For more information on the author, please visit