Written By: Kailyn McBride @kxailyn

Photo from YouTube, Nick Cannon
In a memorable session on Cannon's Class, Kanye West joins Nick Cannon as the pair discuss religion, the success of Sunday Service, providing for the family, abortion is the number one killer of black lives, and more.
Diving right into the interview Kanye opens the discussion by introducing the importance of fatherhood and the impact that God has had on him and on his work.
As Kanye has been no stranger to religion, the recent convert believes that to know God is to know success. After first picking up the bible after his accident back in 2016, Kanye admits that God actively uses him in different ways to continue his brand. "Life is a gift and we should be in service." the rapper says.
Along with getting to know God, Kanye focused a huge portion of the session on family and community and says that family is "the key to the world."
"The design of our cities, the design of schools, there's a lot of things that are designed to not promote family." Kanye added, "they're designed to create separation."
In a huge brand dedicated to conveying the importance of community, family, and religion, Sunday Service is the product of the recent spiritual transition that cost Kanye more than $50 million to create.
In a little under an hour, the session covers Forbes denying Kanye twice, issues within the black community, racism, and Stephanie Mills on calling the pair "paid slaves."