By: Amber Hawkins @ambbamm_

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As time goes this story just continues to unfold with new surprising details. A source told Page Six Smollett and Ambimbola "Abel" Osundairo used to "party together" and even had a sexual relationship. Abel and his brother, Ola, were suspected to be the men Smollett hired to assault him.
The source also said the two used to party together and had a sexual relationship with. “They went to this affluent Chicago bathhouse multiple times and they had to show ID. It’s known as a bathhouse where a lot of affluent black gay men hang out. There should be a record of their visit.” Records of their visits to the bathhouse could be subpoenaed during the trial.
Both brothers have denied being gay and sued Smollett's lawyers, Tina Glandian and Mark Geragos last year, after they hinted that there was a sexual relationship with Smollett. Their lawsuit claims that the lawyers put their lives and the lives of their family at risk because of the inhumane laws against homosexuality in their native Nigeria. The lawsuit was dismissed last month.
Despite all these new details emerging Jussie continues to deny any wrong doing on his part.